Angela Jordison再次放飞自我 继“年度最佳”之后再收包

Angela Jordison在2023年初完全有权利在重新开始之前休息一下。在2022年,Jordison组 […]

Angela Jordison在2023年初完全有权利在重新开始之前休息一下。在2022年,Jordison组建了一个职业生涯中的比赛结果,她似乎已经锁定了GPI年度最佳女性选手和GPI中级选手年度最佳选手两项荣誉并获得了奖项。

但随后,Stephen Song赢下了一年级别最高的中型赛事之一——WPT Prime锦标赛。除了赢得71.2650万美元的冠军奖金之外,Song获得的GPI积分足以在中型赛事和年度POY竞争中取得领先地位。然后,CherishAndrews在WPTWynn赛事节的最后几天迸发了,进入了三场赛事的决赛桌,包括一场冠军和一场亚军,超过了Jordison,在GPI年度最佳女选手的竞争中反超。尽管Andrews在该赛事的13名(該赛事男女混合在其中,POY积分會以女性的计算)v18s的成绩,看似命中了,但Jordison突然发现自己在两项竞争中领先减少。在12月底的斯诺克俱乐部举办的这场赛事中,这很可能是她今年的最后一次机会:一个$1,100的MSPT赛事,她进入了决赛桌。如果她能够取得第一名或第二名,她可能会为迅速冲到中型赛事的最高位置带来巨大的关注,但她的运气用尽了。她最终止步第5名。“他们必须要完美地完成才行”。他说, “Jord­ison说到后来这两家劲敌的异军突起。 “我根本没想到我可能会全面失守。我有点失望, 但说实话, 作为一个整体, 我对我这一年的表现感到非常自豪。我从未像那样为这么一个事情而拼过,我甚至没有意识到我内心竟然有这么强烈的竞争心,渴望获胜。我觉得我把所有的东西都留在了赛台上。”尽管在两项年度POY亚军的表现,Jordison仍以近60万美元的现金收入收官,赢得了WPT传奇扑克赛事的副赛冠军,并且还进入了八次决赛桌, 其中包括一次在1000美元的WSOP的第三名。所以她的朋友们很好奇接下来会怎么样。“他们说, ‘你会在2023年再试一次吗?’,然后我说不,我会回归现金赛。“去年年底到现在,Jordison继续旅程,直到她称霸了北加利福尼亚,赢得了她的第一个WSOP Circuit戒指,而是在3.25千高额赛事中取得了胜利。她立即转移到了1700美元的WSOPC主赛事,最终以第五名 Pos­i­tion 结束,完美落幕了以13.5万美元以上的旅程。

$86,579 和 @WSOPCircuit 的豪华赛冠军戒指属于@Angelajordison
雷霆谷赌场度假村扑克室 (@TVPokerRoom)

$86,579和@WSOPCircuit High Roller戒指被送到@Angelajordison手中结果:

Jordison在过去几年里打出了自己的名声,但她在扑克界的起源要追溯得多。Jordison回忆说:“我在波特兰长大,然后在20多岁时开始参加一些小家庭扑克游戏。只是和朋友们玩,那些有趣的游戏都在厨房桌子上进行,筹码价值仅为几分钱或几角钱。但后来我在2000年代中期开始经营一家酒吧,有人找我谈论要在酒吧开设扑克室,我们同意了,结果意外地火了起来。”在俄勒冈州酒吧扑克场景的参与让Jordison也参与了该地区扑克立法的一面,她参与了对该州社交游戏法律的倡导。通过与当地执法部门的合作和合适的框架,社区继续壮大。在俄勒冈东北部的Wildhorse Resort & Casino,每年举办两次大型比赛。尽管Jordison最喜欢玩的是奥马哈公共扑克现金游戏,但2015年4月的扑克系列赛给她展示了一个难得的机会“在当地,这是当时整个西北地区规模最大的锦标赛——每场比赛都是500或200美元入场费,参赛人数众多”,Jordison说。 “大家都去那里,几乎像是一个高中同学聚会。” “我出现在系列赛的第一场比赛中,参与了500多人的比赛,然后我赢了。这些都是一天内结束的比赛,参赛人数众多。比赛中午开始,我凌晨3点结束第一场。这个系列赛并不允许太多的迟到——开始后只有20分钟可以注册。所以第二天中午我再次出现,这次有450名选手。于是我又玩了一整天,我又赢了。”在击败985名选手和两次获得冠军的过程中赚取了超过29,000美元后,一些扑克玩家可能会选择休息和恢复。但也在第三天中午12点,Jordison又报名参加了那场锦标赛。 “第三场比赛是一场二人对决赛,此时我已经筋疲力尽”,Jordison说。“但接下来,你知道的,我进入了决赛台柱。我最终不得不对决一个非常出色的选手,这场对决进行了很长时间,最终在凌晨4点结束比赛,我第三次赢得了比赛。太疯狂了。起初,我甚至没意识到这会成为一个大事件。我以为,‘哦,我的朋友们在游戏中会觉得这很酷。我根本没意识到赢得三次连续比赛的几率有多高。”

恭喜An­gela Jordison,赢得@WildhorseCasino春季集赛系列的前三场比赛!

恭喜An­gela Jordison,赢得了@WildhorseCasinoSpring Round-Up系列赛的前三场比赛!

Determ­ined to play the tour­na­ment game closest to her bread and but­ter, PLO8, Jord­ison par­ti­cip­ated in the Lim­it Omaha8or bet­ter tour­na­ment on the fourth day. That’s when everything star­ted blow­ing up, with mes­sages from friends and media alike.

“I was really dis­trac­ted, excited and exhausted, all at the same time,” Jord­ison said. “I played that tour­na­ment and made it halfway through the day. There’s this big con­fer­ence room, prob­ably 5 or 600 people, and when I bus­ted, the whole room stood up and star­ted clap­ping and cheer­ing for me. It was my best moment in poker. They all were so sup­port­ive of me, and every­body was cheer­ing, and I star­ted cry­ing.”

Jord­ison went on to final table an $1,100 WPT Deep­stacks event in Reno that August, but, apart from a couple of outly­ing excep­tions, played a small to mod­er­ate sched­ule of $500 buy-ins and below over the next few years.

The $5/$10 PLO8 cash games she fre­quen­ted four days a week for over a dec­ade were good, and Jord­ison didn’t feel much of a pull towards becom­ing a more fre­quent tour­na­ment play­er.

But a few cir­cum­stances aligned over the next few years that put Jord­ison on a path towards major tour­na­ment suc­cesses. She locked her first five-fig­ure tour­na­ment score in three-and-a-half years in Feb­ru­ary 2019 and was seem­ingly ramp­ing things up as that year came to a close.

“I star­ted tak­ing tour­na­ments kind of ser­i­ously in late 2018, early 2019,” said Jord­ison. “I star­ted study­ing a little bit and hired my first coach — then the pan­dem­ic hit. I ended up start­ing to work with Faraz [Jaka], and at that point, that’s when I kind of took it to the next level.”

Jaka, WPT Sea­son VIII Play­er of the Year who has five career WPT final tables and just shy of $7 mil­lion in life­time live tour­na­ment earn­ings, launched Jaka Coach­ing while in the midst of redu­cing his tour­na­ment sched­ule.

In a mat­ter of months, Jord­ison locked up her biggest career win to date, a $39,570 vic­tory in a $600 Vene­tian Deep­stacks event.

“When she first star­ted her coach­ing with me, I could tell she was a super-tal­en­ted play­er, will­ing to be aggress­ive and put people in tough spots,” Jaka said. “But her aggres­sion was a little bit all over the place, and she just needed someone to help her hone it in to add kind of a fun­da­ment­al base behind these plays and have some nice clear thought pro­cesses. And as I was able to kind of teach her a lot of the heur­ist­ics that I’ve learned from run­ning thou­sands of sims and find­ing pat­terns, as well as some things I’ve learned over my career. She was able to pick those things up very quickly and had these ‘Aha’ moments con­stantly.

“I’ve been coach­ing her for a little over a year and a half now, and it’s been super fun watch­ing her pro­gress as a play­er, and obvi­ously have the res­ults that she’s had,” Jaka said. “She’s a super hard work­er — she really puts in the hours, and she also has a really good sup­port team.”

恭喜@Angelajordison昨晚在获得了$84,400的奖金后赢得了$500,000 GTD!🏆👏今天中午12点在@BicycleCasino举办的$5,250#LegendsOfPokerMain Event将开启Day1A!🕛结构和信息详见📝:实时更新⚡️: #德州扑克

恭喜@Angelajordison昨晚夺冠$500,000保证赛,赢得$84,400!🏆👏今天中午12点在@BicycleCasino 开启$5,250#LegendsOfPoker 主赛Day1A!🕛 架构及信息📝: 实时更新⚡️:

这种支持体系对于Jordison的生活产生了重大变化。除了通过Jaka Coaching的Discord社区进行合作之外,Jordison还建立起了一种长期令她望而却步的人际关系。“在我扑克生涯的大部分时间里,我在扑克中都是一个独行侠,”Jordison说。“在玩现金赛时,我的所有朋友都是男性——当时没有女性在我当时玩的奥马哈赌注上玩。所以我在扑克中没有一个女性朋友群。但是一旦我开始更多地参加锦标赛,我开始结识人,那时我遇到了Jackie Burkhardt,她是我的绝对好朋友。她和我决定一起研究锦标赛,她一直支持我,但也会追究我的责任,不会让我找借口。当我打手不好时,我们会真正分析。然后在过去的一年中,我去了很多站点,现在我已经建立了一个庞大的朋友圈,他们会在每一站为我加油,或者我们会一起学习,一起吃饭。这对我来说使锦标赛扑克变成了一个不同的体验。”





